we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Udgama is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.


How to choose the right DevOps tools for your development

DevOps is essentially becoming the next big thing in software technology. Focussed on delivering products and services at high velocity, DevOps combines the right philosophies, practices, and tools to evolve and improve products at a fast pace. While companies far and wide agree that DevOps is essential to smooth development, more than half find the […]


How we use Github Actions for CI at Udgama.

Recently, at Udgama, for our projects, our engineering team started using Github Actions for Continuous Integration (CI). This blog will give you a brief idea of how you can iterate faster with Github Actions for your projects and what is the transition process we used to switch to the Agile CI model. What is Continuous […]


UX Wireframing in Software Development

While designing a software application, how do you decide where the images, text, videos should be placed? Do you want a sidebar or a navbar? How many items do you want in the drop down list? These questions are answered by creating a wireframe. Wireframing is an important step to start the software development process. […]


Using ESLint and Prettier to work with a Typescript Project

Linting is the automated process of checking whether there are any bugs in your code or not. In short, it does the work of the human eye but just with more efficiency. It’s done by a lint tool also called linter.Prettier is another automated process for formatting your code to follow consistent styling. It makes […]


Starting Your Agile Journey

In recent times, when we talk about Software Development, we come across the term “AGILE”. To clear the confusion, let’s understand Agile in depth. Agile is not just restricted to software domain now, it is widely used across design, business and of course, engineering domain. Before we dive deep into ‘Understanding Agile’, let’s first go […]


Test-Driven Development: Unit Testing in React using Jest & Enzyme

“Test-driven development & continuous refactoring, two of the many excellent XP practices, have dramatically improved the way softwares are built” — Joshua Kerievsky Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development technique that requires unit tests to be written before the start of the development process. It plays an important role in the agile world as […]


Service Workers

A step towards progressive web apps The service worker is the core technology used in Progressive Web Applications. Without service workers, a website is just a website, just add a service worker, you now have an application. What is a Service Worker? A service worker is one type of web worker. It’s just a script file […]